Draw.IO Extension
In my ENGR114 class, students learn how to construct flow charts that describe the way a program runs. Students also use flowcharts to plan how a program will run. We can provide students access to a flow chart drawing program right in JupyterHub called Draw.IO. Draw.IO can be added to our JuptyerHub deployment as a JupyterLab extension.
Install nodejs
Ensure that nodejs is installed in the (jupyterhub)
virtual environment. Nodejs is needed to install the Draw.IO JupyterLab extension.
$ sudo systemctl stop jupyterhub $ conda activate jupyterhub (jupyterhub)$ conda install -c conda-forge nodejs
Install Draw.IO extension for JupyterLub
Type another conda install line to install the Draw.IO extension for JupyterLab.
(jupyterhub)$ jupyter labextension install jupyterlab-drawio
Restart JupyterHub and test it out
$ sudo systemctl start jupyterhub $ sudo systemctl status jupyterhub [Ctrl]+[c] to exit
Below are some screen captures of the Draw.io extension in action. Students need to click the [Diagram] icon in the JupyterLab [Launcher] window to open a new Draw.IO drawing.
Draw.io is a drawing program students can use to create flow charts. Draw.io can be installed as a JupyterLab extension in our JupyterHub deployment. To install Draw.io into JupyterHub, first install nodejs and then install the Draw.io extension.