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Create a Cookie Secret and Proxy Auth Token

In addition to an SSL certificate, the Jupyter Hub docs on security basics specify that a cookie secret and proxy auth token be created.

According to the JupyterHub docs, the cookie secret file should be saved in the /srv/jupyterhub directory. cd into the /srv directory and mkdir a new jupyterhub subdirectory. Note you need to use sudo to create a subdirectory in /srv.

$ cd /srv
$ sudo mkdir jupyterhub
$ cd jupyterhub

Next use touch to create the jupyterhub_cookie_secret file. Write to the file using openssl. Change the final file permissions to 600 as noted in the JupyterHub docs.

$ pwd
$ sudo touch jupyterhub_cookie_secret
$ sudo chown :sudo jupyterhub_cookie_secret
$ sudo chmod g+rw jupyterhub_cookie_secret
$ sudo openssl rand -hex 32 > jupyterhub_cookie_secret
$ sudo chown root jupyterhub_cookie_secret  
$ sudo chmod 600 jupyterhub_cookie_secret
$ls -la

-rw------- 1 root sudo   65 Feb  6 20:37 jupyterhub_cookie_secret

I had trouble with the cookie secret file because I missed where the jupyterhub docs show:

The file must not be readable by group or other or the server won’t start. The recommended permissions for the cookie secret file are 600 (owner-only rw).

After you create the cookie secret file, note of the file's location. We'll add the jupyterhub_cookie_secret file location to our JupyterHub configuration.

Create Proxy Auth Token

To generate the proxy auth token, use the same set of commands used to create the cookie secret, except point to a different file called proxy_auth_token.

$ pwd
$ sudo touch proxy_auth_token
$ sudo chown :sudo proxy_auth_token
$ sudo chmod g+rw proxy_auth_token
$ sudo openssl rand -hex 32 > proxy_auth_token
$ sudo chown root proxy_auth_token
$ sudo chmod 600 proxy_auth_token
$ls -la

-rw------- 1 root sudo   65 Feb  6 20:37 jupyterhub_cookie_secret
-rw------- 1 root sudo   65 Feb  6 20:37 proxy_auth_token

Now, when we list the contents of ~/srv/jupyterhub we see:

├── jupyterhub_cookie_secret
└── proxy_auth_token

Create dhparam.pem

Let's also generate a dhparam.pem file. I'm still not exactly sure what the dhparam.pem file is, it has something to do with security. dhparam.pem will be incorporated into our Nginx config file later on.

We'll use the same set of commands we used to create the cookie secret and proxy auth token. The part which is different is the openssl dhparam command that generates the `.pem file. It takes a minute or two for openssl to do it's work. Finally we modify the permissions again to 600 (owner-only rw). Note the location of the dhparam.pem file as we will add it to the Nginx config file.

$ pwd
$ sudo touch dhparam.pem
$ sudo chown :sudo dhparam.pem
$ sudo chmod g+rw dhparam.pem
$ sudo openssl dhparam -out /srv/jupyterhub/dhparam.pem 2048
# wait a minute or two

$ sudo chown root dhparam.pem
$ sudo chmod 600 dhparam.pem
$ ls -la

-rw------- 1 root sudo  424 Feb  6 20:37 dhparam.pem
-rw------- 1 root sudo   65 Feb  6 20:37 jupyterhub_cookie_secret
-rw------- 1 root sudo   65 Feb  6 20:37 proxy_auth_token

We now have three files in the /srv/jupyterhub/ directory. The jupyterhub_cookie_secret and proxy_auth_token will be referenced in the file. The dhparam.pem file will be referenced in the nginx.conf file.

├── dhparam.pem
├── jupyterhub_cookie_secret
└── proxy_auth_token


In this section, we created a jupyterhub directory inside /srv. Inside that directory we created three files using the openssl utility:

  • jupyterhub_cookie_secret
  • proxy_auth_token
  • dhparam.pem

Each of these three files have their permissions set to 600.

Next Steps

The next step is to complete the configuration of Nginx on the server.